
A module for Ansible to maintain the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts file.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause



As of 2020-06-17, this module requires Python version 3. Python version 3.6.9 was used to develop the upgrade. This likely means the role is no longer compatible with Python version 2, though that is untested.


Copy sshknownhosts to $ANSIBLE_LIBRARY on the management host.

    install -m 444 sshknownhosts $ANSIBLE_LIBRARY/sshknownhosts


            host= host1.domain.com
            dest= /path/to/ssh_known_hosts (default: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts)
            enctype= rsa|dsa|ecdsa (default: rsa)
            keyscan= /path/to/ssh-keyscan (default: use ssh-keyscan in $PATH)
            port= portnumber (default: 22)
	aliases= alias1[,...] (default: no aliases)
            state= present|absent (default: present)


    - name: Add localhost to ssh_known_hosts file
      action: sshknownhosts host=localhost state=present port=2222

    - name: Add several hosts to ssh_known_hosts file
      action: sshknownhosts host={{ item }} state=present
        - host1.example.com
        - host2.example.com
        - host3.example.com


If an ssh_known_hosts file is constructed using ssh-keyscan without verifying the keys, users will be vulnerable to man in the middle attacks. On the other hand, if the security model allows such a risk, ssh-keyscan can help in the detection of tampered keyfiles or man in the middle attacks which have begun after the ssh_known_hosts file was created.

(taken from the ssh-keyscan man page)

Possible Future Enhancements

  • key: supplying the host key from a string or file instead of looking it up with the ssh-keyscan program.
  • more options from the ssh-keyscan program such as IPv4/IPv6 addresses.
  • allow multiple key types (rsa and dsa together, for example)

Feedback on these and other options would be appreciated.


  • A module I wrote for my own use that others might find useful, so I added some docs and put it up on github.
  • This is my first python program, so I appreciate some feedback (and my first public ansible module)
  • Tested on Debian flavours (Mint 14 and up) and OpenBSD 5.2 and up.
  • Contact me at http://www.bfmartin.ca/contact/


This is released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for a full statement.