
Widget to show videos from a Youtube channel with a player

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

jQuery Youtube Channel Player

Widget to show videos from a Youtube channel with a player

  • Author: Marc Loehe (boundaryfunctions)
  • Based on jQuery.youtubeChannel by Miguel Guerreiro (dharyk)
  • Licensed under the MIT license (see MIT-LICENSE.txt)


You can find a demo here: http://boundaryfunctions.github.com/jQuery-Youtube-Channel-Player/



  username: 'youtube',


  • username - username to show channel for
  • query - query to limit which channel videos should be played
  • startIndex: 1 - index of the first matching result that should be included in the result set
  • maxResults: 10 - maximum number of results that should be included in the result set
  • orderBy: published - method that will be used to order entries (valid for this parameter: published, relevance, viewCount, rating)
  • sticky - Youtube ID for a video always shown first
  • playerOpts - an object with options for the embedded player
    • autohide: 1 - whether the video controls will automatically hide after a video begins playing
    • autoplay: 0 - whether or not the initial video will autoplay when the player loads
    • egm: 1 - whether the the genie menu (if present) will appear when the user's mouse enters the video display area, as opposed to only appearing when the menu button is pressed
    • fs: 1 - whether the fullscreen button in the embedded player is enabled
    • showinfo: 0 - whether information like the video title and uploader should be displayed before the video starts playing
    • Additionally all documented API options will work.


v 0.1.3

  • Fixed JSON-Request to work with Internet Explorer
  • Updated demo to work with jQuery 1.8.1

v 0.1.2

  • Fixed video-time output

v 0.1.1

  • Added sticky option

v 0.1

  • Initial commit