
bash, oh my zsh, git, rails, TextMate, Homebrew, more...

Primary LanguageShell

ravasthi's dotfiles

Please note that the TextMate features of these dotfiles require TextMate 2, currently in alpha.


Choose a place to store the dotfiles, like ~/Library/dotfiles.

git clone git://github.com/ravasthi/dotfiles ~/Library/dotfiles
cd ~/Library/dotfiles
rake install

Shell support

This dotfiles repo currently supports both bash and oh my zsh, with bash support being deprecated sometime in the near future.

Some features of the bashrc may work only with bash version 4.2, which is not installed by default on the Mac. Consider using these steps to get it:

  • brew install bash
  • Add /usr/local/bin/bash to /etc/shells
  • Change your shell to /usr/local/bin/bash by running chsh

For oh my zsh setup, do the following:

Notable features

These dotfiles assume a Mac setup that uses rvm and Homebrew, with the bash-completion and git brews installed. See Shell support above for details.

An r command serves as a shortcut for running bundle exec rake or bundle exec rails. It's pretty smart, so r s will expand to bundle exec rails server, and r db will expand to bundle exec rake db:console. No more fat-finger mistakes of rails vs rake!

On your local Mac the Bash prompt will be nice and concise. Notice that deep paths are truncated to the last 2 segments:

~/.../Application Support/TextMate$

When logged into a remote machine, you'll be reminded with the hostname:

 myserver /usr/local$

Fancy git status is automatically included in the prompt:

~/.../ravasthi/dotfiles (master *%)$

For oh my zsh users, the prompt contains much the same information, along with the current ruby version and gemset.

An edit shim will launch mate (TextMate) if you are on your local Mac, and fall back to vi if you are logged in via ssh. This shim is used as the git editor and svn editor.

The mp script (short for "(Text)Mate project") opens a directory in TextMate. But unlike the basic mate command, if the directory does not already have a .tm_properties, a basic one will be created.

This repo also comes with tmux and vim configurations, for you terminal purists. To use:

  • brew install tmux
  • brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
