
Aggregate job opportunities for homeless service providers so that people can search for a job in the non-profit sector that fits their skillset.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Jobs for Hope

Aggregate job opportunities with homeless service providers so that people can search for a job that fits their skillset.

Full-Stack React/Node Application Installation

  1. Clone this repo to your local drive.
  2. Change to the jobs-for-hope directory:
cd jobs-for-hope
  1. Install the node server npm depedencies:
npm install
  1. Obtain the .env file from the slack channel and place it in this directory. It contains private info (i.e., the production database connection string) that we cannot put in this public GitHub repo.
  2. Change to the client directory:
cd client
  1. Install the client (React) dependencies:
npm install

To Run the React/Node Application

  1. Run npm start from the jobs-for-hope directory to start the node server.
  2. Run npm start from the jobs-for-hope/client directory to start the react app and open the browser.

Backend Python Scraper Setup

  1. Download the required software for the project

    a. For OSX

     brew install python@2 git

    b. For Windows, install them from the official sites or via chocolatey

  2. Install virtualenv using pip

     pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
  3. Find virtualenvwrapper.sh location

     which virtualenvwrapper.sh
  4. Create directory to hold virtual environments

     mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs
  5. Add to .bash_profile

     export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
     source /path/to/virtualenwrapper.sh
  6. Create the virtualenv

     source ~/.bashrc  // activate virtualenvwrapper.sh, just for the first time
     mkvirtualenv jobs-for-hope
     mkvirtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/path/to/python2.7 jobs-for-hope  // use this if the system default is python3
  7. Activate the virtualenv

     workon  // list the existing virtual environments, blank if none is created
     workon jobs-for-hope  // activate virtual environment, not needed when first creating the virtualenv
  8. Install project dependencies

     pip install -r ./requirements.txt
  9. Work on the scraper and run

    a. for sqlite

     python jfh_scraper.py

    b. for postgres

     python scraper_runner.py
  10. Deactivate the virtualenv

     deactivate  // switch back to system python

Checking the database for scraped data

We're moving towards using postgres and using the instance hosted on aws. The sqlite will go away soon.


  1. Install DBeaver for your system.

  2. Add a database connection with the .env file credentials from the slack channel.

  3. The jobs are in the jobs table.


  1. Install sqlite

     brew install sqlite
  2. Make sure the db file is there

     ls -l jobs_for_hope.db
  3. Open the database environment (Ctrl-D to exit)

     sqlite3 jobs_for_hope.db
  4. Print the db schema

  5. Print the jobs table row count

     select count(*) from jobs;
  6. Print all the jobs

     select * from jobs;
  7. Exit db. Press Ctrl-D

Project Structure

  1. app.py: This is the main entrypoint into the application that contains the routes and associated business logic. This file also contains the main instantiation of the app object
  2. api.py: This is the main class for the REST API that allows interaction with the database
  3. backend/requirements.txt: This is the file that contains all of the projects backend dependencies. Pip looks inside here when it installs all dependencies
  4. backend/jfh_scraper.py: This is the scraper which parses websites for jobs data and stores them in an sqlite database
  5. readme.md: This is the file that contains all instructions and descriptions about jobs-for-hope
  6. static folder: This folder contains all of the Javascript and CSS content. Place all JS and CSS into their respective folders.
  7. templates folder: This folder contains all of the html templates that are rendered by the application. All Jinjas2 and HTML templates go here.
  8. utilities folder: This folder contains all of the helper tools used to write and read data to and from the database. It also contains utility scripts used for the application


  1. master: main stable branch with frontend and backend getting data from a temporary spreadsheet
  2. seleniumscrapers: development branch for the python scraper
  3. db_backend: development branch which integrates the frontend with the backend api using real data from the sqlite database
