
Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Work In Progress

I'm going through this sequence of four progressive Flutter tutorials, using ClojureDart instead of Dart.


I'm halfway through the mdc-103-flutter tutorial. The last completed topic is5. Modify typography and label styles.


Q: When I build on a Mac, I get a bunch of warnings about a capability. What's wrong?

A: Nothing's wrong. It's an OS X/XCode problem. You can ignore it. Hopefully it disappears in a later version of XCode.

The warnings look like this:

2023-11-29 10:57:52.388 xcodebuild[41838:2028403] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /System/Volumes/Data/SWE/Apps/DT/BuildRoots/BuildRoot11/ActiveBuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IDEFrameworks/IDEFrameworks-22267/IDEFoundation/Provisioning/Capabilities Infrastructure/IDECapabilityQuerySelection.swift:103
Details:  createItemModels creation requirements should not create capability item model for a capability item model that already exists.
Function: createItemModels(for:itemModelSource:)
Thread:   <_NSMainThread: 0x6000032903c0>{number = 1, name = main}
Please file a bug at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.