
A Rule-Based System For Playing Poker

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SoarBot: A Rule-Based System For Playing Poker

WARNING! This project is from 2002. Assume that everything's out of date.


SoarSession.tgz is the Java->Tcl->Soar piece. It is not poker-specific and may be useful in other projects. Installation info in readme.txt.


* Linux
* Java SDK 1.4.x or later (Very important! 1.3.x is trouble.)
* Tcl 8.0
* Soar 8.3


SoarBot.tgz is my poker program. Untar it into 1 directory. Installation info in readme.txt. You'll also need my modifications to the Alberta poker framework (explanation in the SoarBot readme.txt).


* Linux
* SoarSession
* A network connection
* Python (for the startup/shutdown scripts)