
Create Trello cards from Unity3D games, for crash reports, easy high scores, user posts or anything you like..!

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Trello Cards For Unity

Twitter Donate (ETH) Donate ($) Language License

This is a simple C# system for creating Trello cards in your own boards from your Unity app or game. Some use cases may be crash reports, significant events etc.


Just drag these .cs files into your scripts folder, wherever you like. If you already have MiniJson in your project, you may get a namespace conflict. No matter, just delete the one from this repo.


Go ahead and grab a Trello Application Key from: https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate. Grab the application key, I'll refer to this as the key from now on.

Now head to: https://trello.com/1/connect?key=[yourkeygoeshere]&name=Your%20App&response_type=token&scope=read,write&expiration=never

In your browser (make sure to fill in your key from just before). You'll be taken to https://trello.com/1/token/approve, and the token code given will be your token.

Example Code

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using MiniJSON;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Trello;

public class RunAtStart : MonoBehaviour {

    // Use this for initialization
    IEnumerator Start () {

        var trello = new Trello.Trello(YOUR-KEY, YOUR-TOKEN);

        // Async, do not block
        yield return trello.populateBoards();
        trello.setCurrentBoard("Your Game");

        // Async, do not block
        yield return trello.populateLists();

        var card = trello.newCard();
        card.name = "Unity Test";
        card.desc = "Description";
        card.due = "11/12/2014";

        yield return trello.uploadCard(card);

        // You can use the helper method to upload exceptions with relevant data
            throw new UnityException("Testing");
        } catch (UnityException e)



If you see a 401 Unauthorized message returnd, it likely means your key or token are invalid or have expired. Try generate new ones and trying again, if you're having trouble get in touch with me.