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Docker Send

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Docker Repository - bfren ecosystem

Comes with Send, a community fork of Mozilla's discontinued Firefox Send. Should be used behind a proxy server, e.g. Nginx Proxy.

You need to ensure you allow websockets, e.g. if you are using Nginx Proxy add a file to the proxy configuration like so:

# in proxy image volume: /sites

# create file: DOMAIN.d/websockets.conf (where DOMAIN is the Send domain)
include helpers/proxy-params-websockets.conf;

# then run this on the host
docker exec proxy nginx-reload



  • 3000


Volume Purpose
/uploads Persistent storage for uploads.

See the Node image for other configuration details.

Environment Variables

For nu duration and filesize types, visit here.

Variable Values Description Default
BF_SEND_URI string Set the base URI from which Send will be accessed. None - required
BF_SEND_DIR string Path to uploads storage directory. /uploads
BF_SEND_DOWNLOAD_COUNT nuon integer list Comma-separated download limit options to show in UI dropdown. [1, 5, 10]
BF_SEND_DOWNLOAD_COUNT_DEFAULT integer Default download limit in UI (default: 1). 1
BF_SEND_DOWNLOAD_COUNT_MAX integer Maximum number of downloads (default: 100). 10
BF_SEND_EXPIRE nuon duration list Comma-separated expiry time options to show in UI dropdown in seconds (default: ). [1hr, 1day, 1wk, 4wk]
BF_SEND_EXPIRE_DEFAULT nu duration Default expiry time in UI (default: 1day). 1wk
BF_SEND_EXPIRE_MAX nu duration Maximum upload expiry time in seconds. 4wk
BF_SEND_FILES_MAX_PER_ARCHIVE integer Maximum files per archive (default: 64). 64
BF_SEND_FILES_MAX_SIZE integer Maximum file size in bytes (default: 2gb). 2gb
BF_SEND_REDIS_DB integer Redis database number. None - optional
BF_SEND_REDIS_HOST string Redis server host. None - optional
BF_SEND_REDIS_PASS string Redis authentication password. None - optional
BF_SEND_REDIS_PORT integer Redis server port. None - optional
BF_SEND_REDIS_USER string Redis authentication username. None - optional




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