
Maintenance Repository - https://github.com/agileware-jp/redmine_issue_templates

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Redmine Issue Templates Plugin

Plugin info at redmine.org CircleCI Sider

Plugin to generate and use issue templates for each project to assist issue creation. The latest version 1.0.x is not compatible with IE11. (Related: #310) Please use version 0.3.8 or 0.3-stable branch (uing jQuery version) as a stable release for Redmine4.x.


Plugin installation

  1. Copy the plugin directory into the $REDMINE_ROOT/plugins directory. Please note that plugin's folder name should be "redmine_issue_templates". If changed, some migration task will be failed.

  2. Do migration task.

    e.g. rails redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

  3. (Re)Start Redmine.


Try this:

  • rails redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_issue_templates VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production

When migration error

If the migration is cancelled with the error like following message for the first time you try to install this plugin:

Caused by: Mysql2::Error: Table 'DATABASE_FOR_REDMINE.issue_templates' doesn't exist

You can fix this error to remove migration records related to this plugin from shema_migrations table.

If you can access and select database for Redmine, try this command:

select * from schema_migrations where version like '%redmine_issue_templates%';

If there are any records shown like this and there is no table named 'issue_templates', your installation has been incomplete state.


So, you should better to uninstall task first, and retry the migration.

If you have not created any template records yet, and hope to uninstall and re-install this plugin, please see README.


rails db:migrate_plugins NAME=redmine_issue_templates VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production

After that, records of migration are removed from schema_migrations table.


rails db:migrate_plugins NAME=redmine_issue_templates RAILS_ENV=production (for Redmine4.x)

Related issue:

Required Settings

  1. Login to your Redmine install as an Administrator

  2. Enable the permissions for your Roles:

    • Show issue templates: User can show issue templates and use templates when creating/updating issues.
    • Edit issue templates: User can create/update/activate templates for each project.
    • Manage issue templates: User can edit help message of templates for each project.
  3. Enable the module "Issue Template" on the project setting page.

  4. The link to the plugin should appear on that project's navigation.


This plugin aims to assist contributor's feedback by using template if the project has some format for issues.

Troubleshoot for bundle intall and startup problem

This plugin repository includes some test code and gem settings. If you have some trouble related "bundle install", please try --without option.

Exp. bundle install --without test


If you have any requests, bug reports, please use GitHub issues. https://github.com/akiko-pusu/redmine_issue_templates

Description and usage info



Drop off the feature to integrate with Checklist plugin, for maintenance reason. Please see for more details: akiko-pusu#363


Bugfix and final release to support Checklist integration. Please see: akiko-pusu#363

  • Bugfix: template_type is not defined error (GitHub: #364 / Thanks for reporting issue, @toku463ne)


Release to implemented some additional built-in/custom fields support.

  • Feature: Add preselected watchers to templates. (GitHub: #302)
  • Feature: Enabled to define assignees and categories. (GitHub: #362)
  • Bugfix: Template duplicates when changing Status or Category fields. (GitHub: #354)
  • Bugfix: Template body not loaded into issue answer (v.1.0.3 only) (GitHub: #356)
  • Update JavaScript and Spec.

Thank you for the valuable information and feedback, @ChrisUHZ!

RESTRICTION: This version is still not compatible with IE11. (Related: #310)


NOTE: Mainly, maintenance, bugfix and refactoring only. There is no additional feature.

  • Refactor JavaScript to work properly under jQuery 3.x (for Redmine trunk).
  • Add some feature specs to test Builtin-fields support.

RESTRICTION: This version is still not compatible with IE11. (Related: #310)


Release to implememted Global note templates feature.

NOTE: Migration is required to use global note template.

  • Feature: Implement Global Note Template. (GitHub: #268, #336)
  • Feature: Improve the input form for built-In / custom fields setting. (GitHub: #345)
  • Bugfix: Selecting note template browser "jumps" to top of page. (GitHub: #338)
  • Bugfix: Change to make the selector more specific. Thanks, @sandratatarevicova (GitHub: #332, #333)
  • Apply Bulgarian translation. Thanks, @jwalkerbg (GitHub: #330)
  • Update README: --without argument for bundle is no longer necessary. (GitHub: #335 / by @vividtone)
  • Update German Translation (by Christian Friebel).

RESTRICTION: This version is still not compatible with IE11. (Related: #310)


This is bugfix release against v1.0.0. Updating to 1.0.1 is highly recommended, if you're using 1.0.0. Migration is also required.

  • Bugfix: Can't create a new templates optional settings. (GitHub: #322)
  • Migration: Change the column type to text. (GitHub: #323)
  • Update JavaScript.

Thank you for the valuable information and feedback, @AlUser71!


RESTRICTION: This version is not compatible with IE11. (Related: #310) Please use version 0.3.8 or 0.3-stable branch (uing jQuery version) if you need to support IE11.

NOTE: Migration is required. Since Support Built-In / Custom Fields is an experimental feature, please be careful if you hope to try it.

  • Feature: Add feature to show template usage / example (#303)
    • Using Vue.js v2.6.11
  • Feature: Support Built-In / Custom Fields (#304)
  • Rewrite JavaSctipt code from jQuery into plain JavaScript.

And some browsers may not work fine because Support Built-In / Custom Fields feature uses Vue.js for frontend. So feedback, issue report, suggestion highly appreciate!


This is bugfix release.

  • Bugfix: Fix that Issue Templates plugin changes the cursor icon for "Information" menu on Redmine's administration page (by vividtone, GitHub #316)
  • Bugfix: Orphaned template list is not displayed (GitHub #337)
  • Update Russian translation (GitHub #340)
  • Update Bulgarian translation (GitHub #329)
  • Update Korean translation (update Korean translation)
  • Bugfix: enabled to create a new issue template setting. (GitHub #322)


This is bugfix release to prevent the conflict with other plugins.

  • Bugfix: Tooltip for template body preview is hidden. (GitHub PR #300)
  • Refactor: Change to use project menu to prevent the project setting tab's conflict. (GitHub PR #299)

Thank you for the valuable information and feedback, @ChrisUHZ!


This is bugfix release against v0.3.5. Updating to 0.3.6 is highly recommended!

  • Update zh-TW locale. #281 (by Vongola)
  • Refactor: Update test code / Change Validation check.
  • Add troubleshooting for migration error and uninstall.
  • Add workaround to prevent other plugin's conflict. (#282)
  • Add workaround to load right templates if the project has subproject and subproject selected. (#289)
  • Apply the patch by @dmakurin to prevent the error when the user can't edit tracker id. (#288)
  • Only wipe issue subject and description if replace flag. (#284, Applied Pull Request by @mattgill)


NOTE: This version requires migration command to enhance note template's feature. Note Template visibility per role feature is still a prototype, so feedback highly appreciate!

  • Design: PR / Mrliptontea theme compatibility #266 (by mrliptontea)
  • Bugfix: #270 / Apply polyfill code for IE11. (reported by yui-har)
  • Feature: Note Template visibility per role. #267
  • Bugfix: Fix the request URL for accessing note_templates/load #261 (by ishikawa999)
  • Bugfix: Note Template does not work on CKEDitor. #275
  • Update README for contribution #273


This is bugfix release against v0.3.3.

  • Add navigation link between issue template and note template.
  • Refactor: Change to use let / const instead of var.
  • Update test environment, especially E2E. (Follow up Redmine4.1)
  • Bugfix #256 / Related to checklists.


This is bugfix release against v0.3.2. Updating to 0.3.3 is highly recommended!

  • Revert and Bugfix #230
    • Merge pull request #252 from ishikawa999/fix/248 by @ishikawa999
  • Bugfix: #234 / Enable to save checklists when updating a template.


  • Bugfix: Adding issue templates with checklists occurs internal error.(#243)
  • Merge PR commit: bca2fe481 by @two-pack, restored missing newline. (Related: #242)
  • Feature: Add clear subject/body option when tracker changed which has no template. (#230)
  • Code refactoring.


  • Basic feature implemented of note template.
  • Enabled to use issue templates when updating issue.
    • Go to global template admin setting, and turn on "apply_template_when_edit_issue" flag.
  • Bugfix: Prevent conflict against issue controller helper. (#217)
  • Update readme: Merged PR #219. Thanks Arnaud Venturi!

NOTE: This version requires migration command to use note template feature.

rails redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production


  • Support Redmine 4.x.
    • Now master branch unsupports Redmine 3.x.
    • Please use ver 0.2.x or v0.2.x-support-Redmine3 branch in case using Redmine3.x.
  • Follow Redmine's preview option to the wiki toolbar.
  • Show additional navigation message when plugin is applied to Redmine 3.x.

NOTE: Mainly, maintenance, bugfix and refactoring only. There is no additional feature, translation in this release. Thank you for creating patch, Mizuki Ishikawa!


Mainly, bugfix and refactoring release. Updating to 0.2.1 is highly recommended in case using CKEditor or MySQL replication. NOTE: Migration is required, especially using MySQL replication.

  • Bugfix: Fix "Page not found" error when try to create project template from project setting. (GitHub: #192, #199)
  • Bugfix: Add composite unique index to support MySQL group replication. (GitHub: #197)
  • Workaround: Wait fot 200 msec until CKE Editor's ajax callback done. (GitHub: #193)
  • Add feature to hide confirmation dialog when overwritten issue subject and description, with using user cookie. (GitHub: #190)
  • Refactoring: Minitest and so on.

A cookie named "issue_template_confirm_to_replace_hide_dialog" is stored from this release. (Related: #190)


Bugfix and refactoring release. Updating from v0.1.9 to 0.2.0 is highly recommended. In this release, some methods which implemented on Redmine v3.3 are ported for plugin's compatibility. (To support Redmine 3.0 - 3.4)

  • Bugfix: Prevent to call unimplemened methods prior to Redmine3.2. (GitHub: #180)
  • Refactoring: Code format. (JS, CSS) / Update config for E2E test.
  • Updated Simplified Chinese translation, thanks Steven.W. (GitHub PR: #179)
  • Applied responsive layout against template list (index) page.

Thank you for reviewing, Tatsuya Saito!

For release notes before v0.2.0, please see: RELEASE-NOTES.md


Pull requests, reporting issues, stars are always welcome!

I'm always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do my best to process them as fast as possible. Not sure if that typo is worth a pull request? Do it! I will appreciate it.

  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request :D

Language and I18n contributors

  • Brazilian: Adriano Ceccarelli / Pedro Moritz de Carvalho Neto
  • Korean: Jaebok Oh
  • Chinese: Steven Wong, vongola12324 (zh-TW)
  • Bulgarian: Ivan Cenov
  • Russian: Denny Brain, danaivehr
  • German: Terence Miller, Christian Friebel and anonymous contributor
  • French: Anonymous one
  • Serbian: Miodrag Milic
  • Polish: Paweł Budikom and Krzysztof Wosinski
  • Spanish: Andres Arias
  • Italian: Luca Lesinigo
  • Danish: AThomsen

Rake Tasks

You can see rake task, with (bundle exec) rake -T, related to this plugin.


# Apply inhelit template setting to child projects
$ rake redmine_issue_templates:apply_inhelit_template_to_child_projects[project_id]

# Run test for redmine_issue_template plugin
$ rake redmine_issue_templates:default

# Run spec for redmine_issue_template plugin
$ rake redmine_issue_templates:spec

# Run tests
$ rake redmine_issue_templates:test

# Unapply inhelit template setting from child projects
$ rake redmine_issue_templates:unapply_inhelit_template_from_child_projects[project_id]

# Generate YARD Documentation for redmine_issue_template plugin
$ rake redmine_issue_templates:yardoc

You can apply/unapply inherit templates for all the hild projects.

rake redmine_issue_templates:apply_inhelit_template_to_child_projects[project_id]      # Apply inhelit template setting to child projects
rake redmine_issue_templates:unapply_inhelit_template_from_child_projects[project_id]  # Unapply inhelit template setting from child projects

If you want to apply inherit templates setting all the child project of project_id: 1 (as parent project), please run rake command like this:

rake redmine_issue_templates:apply_inhelit_template_to_child_projects[1]

Run test

Please see .circleci/config.yml for more details.

% cp plugins/redmine_issue_templates/Gemfile.local plugins/redmine_issue_templates/Gemfile
% bundle install --with test
% export RAILS_ENV=test
% bundle exec ruby -I"lib:test" -I plugins/redmine_issue_templates/test plugins/redmine_issue_templates/test/functional/issue_templates_controller_test.rb


% bundle exec rails redmine_issue_templates:test

Run spec

Please see .circleci/config.yml for more details.

% cp plugins/redmine_issue_templates/Gemfile.local plugins/redmine_issue_templates/Gemfile
% bundle install --with test
% export RAILS_ENV=test
% bundle exec rspec -I plugins/redmine_issue_templates/spec --format documentation plugins/redmine_issue_templates/spec/

By default, use chrome as a webdriver. If you set environment variable 'DRIVER' to 'headless', headless_chrome is used.

% DRIVER='headless' bundle exec rspec -I plugins/redmine_issue_templates/spec --format documentation plugins/redmine_issue_templates/spec/


This software is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.