
What this feature actually does?

There was no mechanism to update container's resource req/limit in place without re-deploying pod. Since resizing resource req/limit means change limit of pod and container's cgroup. The fundermantal idea behind this feature is to provide way to resize pod and container's cgroup if it is possible on the node where target pod/container has been bound.

What is vertical scaling?

  • TBD

Who needs it?

  • seems gke



API changes

This feature introduces following changes on PodSpec and PodStatus.

  • PodSpec.Container.Resources becomes mutable for CPU and memory resource types.
  • PodSpec.Container.ResizePolicy (new object) gives users control over how their containers are resized.
  • PodStatus.Resize status describes the state of a requested Pod resize.
  • PodStatus.ResourcesAllocated describes node resources allocated to Pod.
  • PodStatus.Resources describes node resources applied to running containers by CRI.

Container Resize Policy

PodSpec.Container[].ResizePolicy provides a way to describe preference of restarting. RestartNotRequired(Default) and Restart are supported. But... RestartNotRequired does not gurantee that a container won't be restarted :(

Resize Status

Pod.Status.Resize[] field shows that whether kubelet has accepted or rejected a resize request for a particular resource such as cpu and memory. The possible values are Proposed/InProgress/Deferred(delayed)/Infeasible(rejected).

API-Server changes

For pods which has been created with new podSpec, it will set PodStatus.ResourcesAllocated field as same as PodSpec.Container.Resources.

Scheduler level changes

node level changes


Pod admission stage

At pod admission stage(the moment before starting to create a pod), kubelet will see PodStatus.ResourceAllocated field not a PodSpec.Container.Resources.

Pod Resizing

Positive case

  • Kubelet will accept resize request if there is enough room for newly requested resources. Sum of resources of pod(including resized resources) would not be greater than amount of allocatable resources. Once request accepted, kubelet will update PodStatus.ResourceAllocated field as same as PodSpec.Container.Resources then update Pod.Status.Resize[] field to InProgress. Then it will make CRI-API call for UpdateContainerResources. If CRI Runtime update cgroup for new size successfully, kubelet update PodStatus.Resources.
  • if new size is fit to the current node, but resource is not available at that moment, kubelet will set PodStatus.Resize field to Deferred.

Negative case

  • if new size is not fit to the current node, kubelet will reject resize request by setting PodStatus.Resize field to Infeasible.


This feature introduces significant changes on CRI(at least for me).

First, it introduces platform agnostic ContainerResources message type for CRI and make UpdateContainerResource API to use it, which currently take LinuxContainerResources only. New ContaineResources type encapsulates both resource types for linux and windows.

Second, it provides a new machanism to parse current cgroup stats of container from CRI runtime(containerd/crio/etc) by adding ContainerResourse message type on ContainerStatus message.
