
An app for protecting your Apple Devices network traffic

Level.4(iOS) 5(OS X)

An app for protecting your iOS/OS X network traffic.

LightSword is a server program written by Node.js. And to use Level.4/5, you should install LightSword on your server. It's very simple!


# Using Ubuntu
[sudo] apt-get update -y
[sudo] apt-get install curl -y

[sudo] curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | sudo -E bash -
[sudo] apt-get install -y nodejs
[sudo] npm install lightsword -g

# Using Debian, as root
[sudo] apt-get update -y
[sudo] apt-get install curl -y

[sudo] curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | bash -
[sudo] apt-get install -y nodejs
[sudo] npm install lightsword -g

# Using RHEL 6, CentOS 6
[sudo] yum update
[sudo] yum install curl

[sudo] curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | bash -
[sudo] npm install lightsword -g


> lsserver --port 8081 --password mypassword --fork --cluster

OK, your server is running. To get more information, type: 'lsserver -h' in your terminal.

Now, run Level.4/5 on your iOS/OS X device, tap 'Add Server Configuration', input your server label, address, port number, password, and save it. Switch on the connection toggle, Level.4/5 is going to protect your network traffic.

App Store

Level.4 (iOS 9.0 Required)

Level.5 (OS X 10.11 Required)


1.Debug TCP/IPv4 stack

2.Bypass China IP

3.Compatible with SS


5.Today Widget

Privacy Policy

Level.4/5 dosen't collect any data about the user.


0.1.0 Not Stable (Rejected)

0.2.0 IMPORTANT UPDATE: Lots of bugs are fixed (Ready for Sale)

0.2.3 IMPORANT UPDATE: Improved performance (Ready for Sale)

0.3.0 Bypassing China IP (Testing, iOS 9.3 Required)