
provides a localhost:3001 express app to serve up images and template.json files. serves as backend for a website template viewer React SPA ui - https://github.com/bganguly/website-template-viewer-ui

Primary LanguageJavaScript

README for branch_03

This repo serves as a node+express backend to serve up static assets for a front-end SPA for a website template viewer. See overall details in README.md in master branch of ui repo

This specific branch provides a localhost:3001 express app to serve up images and template.json files. The code was originally bootstapped via the express-generator scaffolding.
The only other material changes are

  • applying CORS settings
  • designate a /public folder to serve out static assets
  • updating scripts to support port 3001.

To run:

// git clone and checkout the branch, thereafter
rm -rf package-lock.json ; rm -rf node-modules/ ; npm i
npm start

To test:
See if http://localhost:3001/images/thumbnails/7111-m.jpg returns/renders an image