
Haskell STM implementation of Linda (based on John Reppy's CML)

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


A Haskell implementation of distributed Linda-style tuple spaces, based on the CML implementation by John Reppy; from his book Concurrent Programming in ML.

The implementation is built on STM and has a number of things that could be done better!

It is worth noting that while it would have been possible to build an abstraction on top of STM channels to support CML style events the implementation passes channels explicitly. This has the disadvantage of having to explictly read/write from these channels in interfaces that could simply sync on an event in Reppy's implementation. The advantage is that we can use STM channels directly without an additonal layer of abstraction. It would be nice to see an event abstraction provided as part of STM, not simply in the CML package, but as a first class part of the STM implementation.


cabal configure

cabal build


Still need to add an example...