Bug in VS

Repros in 17.2.4 and in 17.3.0 Preview 2.0


In a test project that multi-targets .net core and .net fx, VS no longer respects the package structure and does not execute the targets file inside the package.

Repro Steps

  1. Clone this repo and build it
  2. Run the test on netcoreapp 3.1 -> prints OK
  3. Run the test on net48 -> you get an exception

Expected: the bin/debug/net48 folder should have a runtime subfolder just like bin/debug/netcoreapp3.1

This happens because the targets file inside https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Identity.Client.NativeInterop do not execute.

Important note:

  1. If you use a console app instead of a test project this works fine.
  2. If you build the test project via msbuild or dotnet build this works
  3. If you edit the test project and remove the netcore tfm, this works