

Primary LanguageJavaScript


WatchMovie is a powerful tool to help cinema manager to manage cinema.

WatchMovie is platform to share just news about movie.

WatchMovie is gathering place of who truely love movie.

So what can I do with WatchMovie?

To Manager:
  • Release news about movie.
  • Devices monitoring.
  • Dispatch the movie files.
  • Marketing Analyze.
  • Box Office Analyze.
  • Managing ticket.
  • Screen & Arrange.

To Customer:
  • Reserve the ticket.
  • Getting the newest information about movie.
  • Comment movie and news.
  • Share viewpoints.
  • Find movie fancier who like themselves.

How do I start it?

#####Setting-up The datasource is used MySQL 5.7.

So at first you need set the database config file in %PROJECT_ROOT%/src/main/resources/application.properties, the exmaple:


To initialize it,

Just run the InitDatabaseTests or deploy it in your server (e.g. tomcat) directory.

How do I use it?

#####1.Sign in & Sign up There will be a ticket for who sigh up account, so no ticket no sign in.

#####2.Dispatch Firstly, add the target server address.

Then, select the files and drop them in upload box.

Finally, push the button. When the dispatch is over, you will get notification. ####Note: run dispatch function needs to start receiver server which in netty-file-server project at first. #####3.Screen & Arrange Firstly, create playlist including movie, number of movie room, play date and play daily or weekly according to sales manager.

Secondly push the button to confirm.

In every movie play start or end, the manager will receive the notification message from system, so if there are something wrong, they will know it in first time.

#####4.News Release Firstly enter the movie name and release date.

Secondly edit the news title, upload poster, prevue and some introduction about movie.

Finally push the button to release news.

When the news get comments, the people who release news will get notification.


Build & Run without virtualization



Redis is available in the repositories of most mainstream distros. Installing it is usually a matter of running something along the lines of (for Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install redis

After the command finishes you can (again on Ubuntu) run:

redis-cli ping

Redis should now reply


You can install Redis with Homebrew

brew install redis

And start it with


Download form https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases and install it.