This project is meant to mimic the Unix Terminal and a handful of its functions.
Below is a full list of valid commands and their usage:
Description: lists the files in the current directory
Usage: ls
Description: changes the current working directory.
Usage: cd .. -> Moves you up one level. Most advised way to move through the directory structure.
cd -> goes to the root directory, not advised to call tree here.
cd full/valid/file/path -> moves to said file path
cd name_of_an_alias -> moves straight to that alias if it's a valid directory
Description: opens a file or website passed in as an argument.
takes into account current working directory
Usage: open valid/file/path -> opens file with default program.
open name_of_an_alias -> opens file with default program.
open -w[com/org/io/etc...] -> opens website
Description: exits the terminal and saves aliases.
Usage: quit
Description: searches within a textfile for a given search query.
Usage: grep "query" full_file_path
Description: pretty prints out the below file structure in a tree-like format.
advised not to use at the root dir or other folders with a lot of (11,000+)
folders/files unless time isn't a concern. do note that the project is still working.
It just takes time to complete!
Usage: tree
Description: searches all directory/file names below the current working directory for a search query.
Usage: find search_query -> returns highlighted occurences of the search query
Description: removes an alias passed as an argument.
Usage: rm_alias alias_to_remove -> removes said alias
Description: creates a shortcut to a given file or directory path.
Loads and saves a user's aliases at the start and end of a terminal session.
Usage: alias name_of_an_alias -> saves an alias for the current working directory
alias name_of_an_alias full/file/path -> saves an alias for the specified file path
Description: returns the manual
Usage: manual
Description: prints out the current working directory
Usage: cwd