
C++ dev container

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Jonathan's Development Container

I work in a number of environments. Keeping a stable set of tools across these environments for a consistent build experience is challenging. I created this container to manage that and provide all the tools that I regularly use across systems, platforms, etc.


From the git root:

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --entrypoint bash --hostname dev-container $(docker build -q .)

To mount a local directory the --volume command can be used as such: --volume path/to/host/dir:path/to/container/dir. Typically something like --volume ~:/home/jonathan/ makes sense.


When running the container on a Windows host, it is important to map scratch directories from inside a WSL instance to get direct access to a native(ish) Linux filesystem. Windows directories are NTFS format and have different update requirements, so failure to do this will cause IO issues severe enough to significantly slow compilation.