
Generate custom Mac OS folder icons with a desired image as stamp

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Generate custom macOS folder icons with a desired image as stamp.

Some examples

The most simply use:

folstamp apple.png output.png

Use demonstration

Using a green folder icon:

folstamp apple.png -rgb 84 151 93 green_folder.png output.png

Use demonstration

To set up

You can use Homebrew to install this program via my tap repository:

brew install glezseoane/homebrew-tap/folstamp

You also can use PyPI to install this program:

pip install folstamp

Alternative, clone and go to this repository home directory, and then run:

python setup.py install

Both methods install last Folstamp stable version on your machine.

To use

The command has to verify:

  • The input path is always the first argument and it is mandatory.
  • The output path is always the last argument and it is mandatory.

Read the man of this tool to known more about its use.

Note about man pages: if you use pip method to install this program, assert that man directories of your python environment are added to your MANPATH to can get this program's man pages with the man command. Python might install man pages in default machine level directories.