MkDocs CloudCannon Demo Site

A barebones MkDocs site using the Material theme.

CloudCannon Configuration File

To configure the CMS, a cloudcannon.config.yml file has been created at the root of the repository. This contains the following sections:


In we specify a docs collection. This will be shown in the CloudCannon sidebar and will allow editors to make changes within this collection.

To match MkDocs' default URL behavior, we use the [full_slug] url placeholder.

These URLs are used in the CloudCannon interface for opening previews and generating screenshots.


In paths we specify the path docs for both our uploads and static directories. This ensures that assets uploaded in CloudCannon will be placed inside the docs directory, and will be linked relative to the same directory.

editor's file uploaded file output url
image.png docs/image.png /image.png


In _editables.content we specify the toolbar options that editors will see in the CloudCannon Content Editor.

To read the full documentation for cloudcannon.config.* files, see Setting global configuration at the CloudCannon Documentation.

Connecting the Site to CloudCannon

  • When connecting this repository to CloudCannon, choose the Other option for your static site generator. When prompted for Command Line Options, use the following values:

    field value
    Install Command pip install mkdocs-material
    Build Command mkdocs build
    Output Path site

    mkdocs is already installed on the CloudCannon build image, so the install command is only needed for our theme. If you removed theme: material from mkdocs.yml, you could leave the install field blank.

    site is the default directory that mkdocs build will use for its output.

  • Additionally, check Use the beta version of @cloudcannon/reader. This provides the [full_slug] placeholder that we use in our cloudcannon.config.yml.


That's all — once your site builds you will be able to browse, edit, and add to the docs collection in CloudCannon.