
A collection of scripts to automate some Django processes when using the Cloud9 IDE

Primary LanguageShell

Bash Scripting for Django App built in Cloud9

This repo is a collection of scripts that can be used to automate processes in django


$ svn export https://github.com/bglynch/automate-django-bash-scripting/trunk/scripts

This imports a directory name 'scripts' which holds the script files



  • installs django 2
  • creates project
  • adds run and PROJECTNAME to bash_alias
  • adds user to ALLOWED_HOSTS in settings.py
  • adds local database to .gitignore
$ bash scripts/a-up-and-running.sh <projectname>

Note: must adhere to django project naming conventions - ie no spaces

Test it worked
First close and then reopen the terminal

$ run

Open new tab on port 8080 and should see the following screen


  • initial migrate
  • creates superuser
$ bash scripts/b-superuser-migrate.sh

Test it worked
Open the app and add /admin to the end of the URL
Login using the username and password create when adding superuser
Should see the following screen


  • create static directory
  • populate directory with ./static/css/style.css
  • populate directory with ./static/js/custom.js
  • populate directory with ./static/images
  • creates templates directory
  • populate directory with ./templates/base.html
  • add path to ./templates to settings.py
$ bash scripts/c-static-files.sh


  • create media directory
  • install Pillow
  • add media context processor to settings.py
  • add MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT to base of settings.py
$ bash scripts/d-media.sh