Ugh! test cases depends my site, To be fixed. How to start: ============= 1) create dir usr under dir which contains Makefile. 2) prepare app.yaml under usr/ with "application" and "version' , change it as you want --(quote)-- application: <place your app id here> version: 1 --(end of quote)-- 3) build. % make app 4) deploy or test, what ever you want. How to run locally: =================== 1) invoke dev_appserver with... % make start_dev_server How to deploy: ============== 1) make install. % make install authetication on google account will occur. How to run test: ================ 1) start stub server. % make start_stubd it blocks. I recommend to open another terminal. 2) evoke test. % make test How to collect info from existing sites: ======================================== 1) specify sites and there entry points by editing crawl.yaml in usr/ something like: - name: url: - - - name: url: - 2) invoke crawler. it may teke long time. :P % make crawl 3) then, let it guess web site structure. % make guess 4) you will have "guess.yaml" in usr.