Now this plugin is little unstable. Please use this at your own risk.
今のところ ちょっと不安定 なので,自己責任でご利用ください
Be careful. Don't use this plugin in X11 environment because it crashes Vim!
This plugin is tested with Vim 7.2, but maybe works with Vim 7.0 or 7.1.
This plugin needs +python (Python 2.6 only)
Of couse, your machine needs to be connected to web.
- Windows
- Use KaoriYa Vim and Python 2.6 DLL
- Mac OS X
- Use MacVim-KaoriYa
- Install with MacPorts
- sudo port install vim +huge +python26
- Ubuntu/Debian
- Use vim-python package
- Other OSs or distributions
- Please let me know!
- Put files in your vim runtime directory.
- If you use Windows, the runtime directory may be ~\_vimfiles, otherwise that may be ~/.vim
- Launch with
- Set user name to
and password tog:lingr_vim_password
to automatic login - Use
to force interactive login
- Set user name to
- Select rooms with
in lingr-rooms buffer at left above - lingr-members buffer at left below shows members of selected room
- lingr-messages buffer at right side shows messages
- Press
on[Read more from archives]
at top of the buffer to get more archives - Press
on URLs to open it on browser - Press
to show a buffer for say- Press
in Normal Mode to say with the buffer contents - Press
in Normal Mode to close the buffer
- Press
- Press
- Press
in lingr-rooms and lingr-members to open corresponding pages in Lingr on browser - Other commands in lingr-messages
- Press
to go around rooms - Press
to junp to delimiters that are inserted between past logs - Use
to quote messages in Normal Mode - Press
to quote messages in Visual Mode
- Press
- Mouse operations are also supported
- Left click works as same as
- Left double click works as same as
- Left click works as same as
- Logout with
- 左上のlingr-roomsでは
で部屋を選択できます - 左下のlingr-membersには選択中の部屋のメンバーが表示されます
- 右のlingr-messagesでメッセージを閲覧できます
- 一番上の
[Read more from archives]
を押すと過去ログを遡れます - URL上で
を押すとブラウザで開けます s
で発言用のバッファが表示されます- ノーマルモードで
を押すとバッファの内容が発言されます - ノーマルモードで
- ノーマルモードで
- 一番上の
- lingr-roomsとlingr-messagesでは
を押すとLingrの該当ページをブラウザで開けます - lingr-messagesのその他のコマンド
で過去ログ取得時に挿入される区切りにジャンプできます- ノーマルモードでは
でメッセージを引用できます - ビジュアルモードでは
- マウスでも一応操作できます
- Width of the sidebar.
Default is25
<dd>Height of lingr-rooms buffer. <br>Default is <code>10</code>.</dd>
<dd>Height of lingr-say buffer. <br>Default is <code>3</code>.</dd>
<dd>If remain height is less than this value, auto scroll is performed
when Lingr-Vim receives some messages. <br>Default is <code>5</code>.</dd>
<dd>Time format for messages. Please see C language strftime() reference
to customize this value. <br>Default is <code>'%c'</code>.</dd>
<dd>Command to open url in browsers. Default value is set for each OSs.
For example, <code>"open %s"</code> is set for Mac OS X.
<code>%s</code> is replaced to specified URL</dd>
- Dispatched when Lingr-Vim connects to Lingr
<dd>Dispatched when Lingr-Vim receives new message</dd>
<dd>Dispatched when someone changes her/his presence</dd>
<dd>Dispatched when unread count is changed</dd>
<dd>Dispatched when some errors occur</dd>
- Same as :LingrLaunch
<dd>Same as :LingrExit</dd>
<dd>Say <code>a:text</code> to the current room</dd>
<dd>Open <code>a:url</code> in browser with using <code>g:lingr_vim_command_to_open_url</code></dd>
<dd>Return count of unread messages or -1 if Lingr-Vim has not been launched. You may want to use this in <code>'statusline'</code> or <code>'tabline'</code></dd>
<dd>Return current status of Lingr-Vim: connected/offline/waiting for reconnect...</dd>
<dd>Return the name of current room</dd>
<dd>Return the number of members in the current room</dd>
<dd>Return the number of online members in the current room</dd>
<dd>Return the number of offline members in the current room</dd>
<dd>Return the dictionary of last message<br>
The dictionary member is <code>nickname</code> and <code>text</code><br>
You may want to use this with <code>plugin-lingr-message</code> event</dd>
<dd>Return the dictionary of last member who changes her/his presence<br>
The dictionary member is <code>name</code>, <code>username</code> and <code>presence</code><br>
You may want to use this with <code>plugin-lingr-member</code> event</dd>
<dd>This is the function for quote operator (default is <code>Q</code>)</dd>
function! s:growl(title, message)
execute printf('silent !growlnotify -t %s -m %s', shellescape(a:title, 1), shellescape(a:message, 1))
augroup lingr-vim
autocmd User plugin-lingr-message
\ let s:temp = lingr#get_last_message()
\| if !empty(s:temp)
\| call s:growl(s:temp.nickname, s:temp.text)
\| endif
\| unlet s:temp
autocmd User plugin-lingr-presence
\ let s:temp = lingr#get_last_member()
\| if !empty(s:temp)
\| call s:growl(, (s:temp.presence ? 'online' : 'offline'))
\| endif
\| unlet s:temp
augroup END
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 日本語参考訳