
Reading EventStream API with Redux and React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is Netronix test task boilerplated using create-react-app.

  • Added eslint configuration file
  • Added VSCode configuration for editor debugging
  • Added Redux to the project

Make sure you install ESLint plugin for Visual Studio Code https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint

To use this repo:

  1. Make sure you have installed node and npm globaly
  2. Clone this hole repo
  3. Navigate to your project directory and run npm install
  4. You are ready to use all preconfigured helpers in VSCode and start coding React-Redux using create-react-app
  5. For dev server type npm start

Useful Visual Studio Code extension you might want to use - HTML CSS Support: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ecmel.vscode-html-css