
🔌Fillit is a project that let you discover and/or familiarize yourself with a recurring problematic in programming: searching the optimal solution among a huge set of possibilities, in a respectable timing.

Primary LanguageC

Fill it!

Fillit is a project that let you discover and/or familiarize yourself with a recurring problematic in programming: searching the optimal solution among a huge set of possibilities, in a respectable timing.

Fill it!

Useful link: https://medium.com/@bethnenniger/fillit-solving-for-the-smallest-square-of-tetrominos-c6316004f909

How to use

First of all, download/clone this repo:


Build the executable:

make re

Now test it with:

./fillit tests/[test_file]

Fill it!


Kseniia Denisova and Boris Goncharov @ 42 Silicon Valley