
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Automated Peering API

Initial proof of concept for Automated Peering API


Introduction to the topic

This video is a recording of a presentation entitled "Peering API Automation" by Jenny Ramseyer (Meta), Matt Griswold (FullCtl), and Erica Salvaneschi (Cloudflare) given during NANOG88: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMxsoplROYs The video motivates this work and shows the covered use-cases.

Sequence Diagram

    participant Initiator
    participant Peer
    participant PeeringDB

    Initiator->>PeeringDB: OIDC Authentication
    PeeringDB->>Initiator: Provide auth code
    Initiator->>Peer: Send auth code to Peer
    Peer->>PeeringDB: Exchange auth code for token
    PeeringDB->>Peer: Return token
    Note left of Peer: Peer determines permissions based on token
    Peer->>Initiator: Send OK back to Initiator

    Initiator->>Peer: QUERY peering locations (peer type, ASN, auth code)
    Peer->>Initiator: Reply with peering locations or errors (401, 406, 451, etc.)

    alt 200 response from Peer
        Initiator->>Peer: QUERY request status using request ID & auth code
        Peer->>Initiator: Reply with session status (200, 404, 202, etc.)
        loop until peering is complete
            Initiator->>Peer: QUERY request status
		    Peer->>Initiator: Session status


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