Provides parsing functions for RIS-Live real-time BGP message stream JSON data.
The main parsing function, parse_ris_live_message
converts a JSON-formatted message string into a
vector of BgpElem
use serde_json::json;
use tungstenite::{connect, Message};
use url::Url;
use ris_live_rs::error::ParserRisliveError;
use ris_live_rs::parse_ris_live_message;
const RIS_LIVE_URL: &str = "ws://ris-live.ripe.net/v1/ws/?client=rust-bgpkit-parser";
/// This is an example of subscribing to RIS-Live's streaming data.
/// For more RIS-Live details, check out their documentation at https://ris-live.ripe.net/manual/
fn main() {
// connect to RIPE RIS Live websocket server
let (mut socket, _response) =
.expect("Can't connect to RIS Live websocket server");
// subscribe to messages from one collector
let msg = json!({"type": "ris_subscribe", "data": null}).to_string();
loop {
let msg = socket.read_message().expect("Error reading message").to_string();
if msg.is_empty() {
match parse_ris_live_message(msg.as_str()) {
Ok(elems) => {
for e in elems {
println!("{}", e);
Err(error) => {
if let ParserRisliveError::ElemEndOfRibPrefix = error {
println!("{:?}", &error);
println!("{}", msg);
support filtering message by composing customized
ris-live subscription message. Use the compose_subscription_message
function to create a filtering message.
pub fn compose_subscription_message(
host: &String,
msg_type: &Option<String>,
require: &Option<String>,
peer: &Option<String>,
prefix: &Option<String>,
path: &Option<String>,
more_specific: &bool,
less_specific: &bool,
) -> String {
// subscribe to messages from one collector
let msg = compose_subscription_message(
println!("{}", &msg);
library also comes with a simple command-line program
that supports filtering and different output formats: ris-live-reader
Full command-line options are:
ris-live-reader 0.2.0
ris-live-reader is a simple cli tool that can stream BGP data from RIS-Live project with websocket. Check out
https://ris-live.ripe.net/ for more data source information
ris-live-reader [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
--json Output as JSON objects
--less-specific Match prefixes that are less specific (contain) `prefix`
--more-specific Match prefixes that are more specific (part of) `prefix`
--pretty Pretty-print JSON output
--raw Print out raw message without parsing
-V, --version Prints version information
--client <client> client name to identify the stream [default: ris-live-rs]
--host <host> Filter by RRC host: e.g. rrc01. Use "all" for the firehose [default: rrc21]
--msg-type <msg-type> Only include messages of a given BGP or RIS type: UPDATE, OPEN, NOTIFICATION,
--path <path> ASN or pattern to match against the AS PATH attribute
--peer <peer> Only include messages sent by the given BGP peer
--prefix <prefix> Filter UPDATE messages by prefixes in announcements or withdrawals
--require <require> Only include messages containing a given key
--update-type <update-type> Only a given BGP update type: announcement (a) or withdrawal (w)
Install via cargo by:
cargo install ris-live-rs
Or checkout the repo and run:
cargo install --path .
The program ris-live-reader
will be installed to your $CARGO_HOME/bin
(e.g. ~/.cargo/bin
Run with Docker
docker run --rm -it bgpkit/ris-live-reader --help
Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)
Built with ❤️ by BGPKIT Team
BGPKIT is a small-team focuses on building the best open-source tooling for BGP data in Rust. We have more than 10 years of experience working with BGP data and believe that our work can enable more companies to start keeping tracks of BGP data on their own turf. Learn more about what services we provide at https://bgpkit.com.