
Primary LanguagePHP

Petshop API

How to Install and Run the Project

  •   git clone https://github.com/bgreatfit/petshop.git
  • Copy .env.example to .env

  • docker-compose build

  • docker compose up -d

  • Install Dependencies

       docker-compose exec app composer install
  • You can see the project on

  • Generate App key

    docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
  • Generate JWT SECRET
   docker-compose exec app php artisan jwt:generate-keys
  • Run Migrations and seeders
    docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate --seed
    docker-compose exec app php artisan test
  • Larastan is set at Level 8:
    docker-compose exec app composer analyse 
  • Php insights:
    docker-compose exec app  composer insight


  • PHP 8.2
  • Laravel 10
  • Swagger Documentation
  • Feature and Unit Tests
  • JWT Authentication
  • Migration and Seeders
  • Custom Middleware
  • Docker Setup
  • Larastan
  • PHP Insights