- 0
Missing object 'phis'
#79 opened by T7963 - 2
pred_wrapper with multinomial classification
#78 opened by gagirob - 1
fastshap: Error in dimnames(x) <- dn : length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent
#77 opened by bellalauys - 3
fastshap::explain() uses all cores and not those defined by registerDoParallel(cores=X)
#75 opened by abussalleuc - 3
`explain()` fails uninformatively if `exact` argument is specified, on cv.glmnet model objects
#74 opened by nimirea - 4
All shap values were NA.
#73 opened by hyr13579 - 1
h2o fastshap
#71 opened by ssefick - 12
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "ranger"
#56 opened by quantumlinguist - 2
`explain` fails when variables are removed as part of `recipes::recipe` preprocessing
#70 opened by mevers - 3
All shap values were 0.
#57 opened by fysqy - 4
Calculating Shapley Values with Data Constraints
#58 opened by JonP-16 - 3
baseline is 0
#64 opened by mayer79 - 2
Keras prediction issue
#42 opened by dax44 - 14
- 1
Export variance?
#13 opened by dswatson - 5
- 1
X (explain object) is a list
#24 opened by frahsimon - 0
Typo in vignette
#19 opened by mikeguggis - 0
broken link in Get Started vignette
#30 opened by nickreich - 1
- 1
- 3
- 15
shap v0.36.0 causes error in force_plot
#12 opened by hfshr - 2
force_plot not working
#23 opened by mikeguggis - 0
Move tibble to suggests?
#11 opened by bgreenwell - 2
Calculation of bias with weighting
#21 opened by jakubkovac - 0
Bump development version number
#28 opened by hsbadr - 0
Remove plyr dependency
#35 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Remove tibble dependency
#49 opened by bgreenwell - 0
- 3
random survival forests
#40 opened by mao223 - 1
{lightgbm} v4.0.0 is coming
#47 opened by jameslamb - 7
- 3
- 0
Rename force_plot to forceplot
#18 opened by bgreenwell - 12
Example of Shap "summary" plot?
#17 opened by jcpsantiago - 1
Add support for waterfall charts
#26 opened by bgreenwell - 1
fastshap handling nominal variables
#36 opened by Npaffen - 1
SHAP Interaction Value Summary Plot
#41 opened by mao223 - 2
- 1
- 1
Version mismatch
#38 opened by kapsner - 4
- 2
- 6
- 1
Error in UseMethod("explain") : no applicable method for 'explain' applied to an object of class "xgb.Booster"
#32 opened by marboe123 - 2
Fastshap does not work with randomForest package
#27 opened by jttoivon - 6
- 0
LightGBM is on CRAN
#15 opened by mayer79 - 7