Massively-Overlapped Ring-Diagram Inversion

Primary LanguageC++

# To get a rough idea on how to use the inverison code, run ./mcd -help

# To get a better idea on how to use it, check out the information in the TESTING/ sub-directory. 

# To understand what the inversion is actualy doing, read my thesis. 

Here's a more descriptive list than the one printed with ./mcd -help, including both short and long versions of the keywords:

-k  --kernel_set
	file name for the kernel set. This should be a binary file. Look around for an idl .pro file that converts the old .fits version into a binary file.

-z  --kernel_set_depth
	another binary file related to kernels, this contains the physical depths of each layer in Mm. Also has delta-z. Look around for idl .pro code to make this

-i  --input
	filename for the main data input. Should be a binary file, again, look for idl code to make this. Probably something like prep_ola.pro.

-d  --depths
	one or more depths to target independently.
	-d 0
	-d 0,1,2,3,4
	-d 0.0,15.0,30.0

-n  --n-values
	optional restriction on radial order for inversion. listed n-vals will be used, everything else thrown away during read-in
	-n 0  (f-mode inversion)
	-n 8  (good for quick testing)
	[nothing]  (use all modes)

-o  --output
	base filename for output. Will be appended to with details about depth, regularization, etc

-l  --lambda
	log10 value of lambda, typical values between 0 and -5. allows a comma-deparated list

-L  --lambda-z
	additional log10 lambda to add per Mm in depth, typically 0 to -1. allows list

-m  --mu
	log 10 value of mu, typically 0 to -5. allows list

-M  --mu-z
	additional log10 mu to add per Mm in depth, typically 0 to -1. allows list

-A  --apod
	amount of data apodization to use, useful for smoothing out results. allows list

-p  --padding
	amount of zero-padding to use around data, in degrees. allows list, but might crash...

-a  --avgker
	base filename for averaging kernel output. leave out to prevent avgker from being computed at all

-t  --threads
	number of openmp threads to use.