
Manage history for multiple open bash shells

Primary LanguagePython

multihist -- manage multiple open shell histories

I use tmux and typically have 10 or so bash shells open at any one time. I use shell history fairly aggressively to minimize how much I type. It's always been frustrating to me that bash wants a single HISTFILE and that reading, writing, and searching it works sort of poorly.


  • Up-arrow in a shell always steps through the history of commands typed in that specific shell
  • Ctrl-R (reverse-isearch) can search the history of all the shells, not just the one I'm typing in
  • History is forever

What I tried before this

  • Default behavior (history kept in memory, saved on quit): up-arrow works, but commands typed in other shells aren't reverse-isearchable and the last shell to quit blows away ~/.bash_history so my history is not forever
  • export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r": doesn't preserve up-arrow behavior; up-arrow gets last command executed in any shell.

How it works

  • Shell histories live in a new directory. On my machine it's ~/.history
  • Each shell saves a history file containing the commands typed into that specific shell
  • Each shell uses as its HISTFILE a custom merged file that's dynamically updated, which contains the shell-specific histories of all the shells, with this specific shell's history last
  • A helper script is invoked as the PROMPT_COPMMAND to update the merged history files if needed
  • Shell histories from old/closed shells are automatically compacted but the contents stay around forever.
  • To improve the performance of rebuilding merged files, there's a table of contents for each merged history file


  1. setup.py builds a script called multihist. Install it to your path somewhere.

  2. In your .bash_profile, add this bit. Update SHELL_HISTDIR to taste, and merge in whatever customizations you may already have to your PROMPT_COMMAND.

export SHELL_UUID=`uuidgen`
export SHELL_HISTDIR=~/.history/

function update_histfiles () {
    history -a ${SHELL_HISTFILE} ;
    multihist --update;
    history -c ;
    history -r ;

function init_histfiles () {
    # on login: smash all files older than 30 days into one; touch the new history file
    HIST_OLDFILES=`find ${SHELL_HISTDIR} -mtime +30 -name 'shell-*'`
    if [ -z ${HIST_OLDFILES} ]
        echo "No old history to squash"
        echo "Squashing ${HIST_OLDFILES}"
        (cat ${HIST_OLDFILES} | sort | uniq) >> ${SHELL_HISTDIR}/shell-oldfiles
        rm -f ${HIST_OLDFILES}
        rm -f `echo ${HIST_OLDFILES} | sed -e s/shell/merged/g`
    touch ${SHELL_HISTFILE}
    touch ${HISTFILE}
    multihist --init;

export PROMPT_COMMAND="update_histfiles;"
  1. Create the SHELL_HISTDIR directory
  2. Copy your existing BASH history file, usually ~/.bash_history, into the new directory. Any filename starting with shell- will work, as long as it won't collide with any possible ${SHELL_HISTFILE} names:
$ cp ~/.bash_history ${SHELL_HISTDIR}/shell-historical