
Code for optimizing MILP problems with embedded ReLU networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Project description

Example code for optimizing MILP problems with embedded ReLU networks. The code is an extraction of the code used in the paper:

    author = {Grimstad, Bjarne and Andersson, Henrik},
    journal = {Computers and Chemical Engineering},
    title = {{ReLU Networks as Surrogate Models in Mixed-Integer Linear Programs}},
    pages = {106580},
    volume = {131},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.1016/j.compchemeng.2019.106580}

Setup (Linux)

  1. Install Anaconda (see https://www.anaconda.com/)

  2. Create Conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml

  3. Get the Gurobi license (grbgetkey is located in the Conda environment's bin folder): ~/anaconda3/envs/relu-opt/bin/grbgetkey <key identifier>

How to

The code shows how to:

  • Load ReLU networks trained with TensorFlow
  • Program ReLU networks as MILPs using Gurobi
  • Solve a production optimization problem with ReLU network constraints (see a description of the case in the paper)

Start the optimization by running the script: prodopt/solve_problem.py