
tko framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#tko tko is a framework for writing modular JavaScript with models, collections, routing, pub/sub, notifications, and client-side storage. If you like Backbone's models and collections but don't want to give up Knockout's two-way data-binding, then tko is for you.

##Example The included example shows tko's Application, Model, and Collection objects used to build a todo list application. Check out the unit tests for more detail.

###Creating a Model

var Person = tko.Model.extend({
    urlRoot: '/person',
    first: ko.observable(),
    last: ko.observable(),
    full: function() {
        return this.first() + ' ' + this.last();

var neil = new Person({
    first: 'Neil',
    last: 'Stephenson'


###Creating a Collection

var People = tko.Collection.extend({
    model: Person,
    url: '/people',
    sortBy: 'first'

var authors = new People([
    {id: 1, first: 'Neil', last: 'Stephenson'},
    {id: 2, first: 'J. R. R.', last: 'Tolkien'},
    {id: 3, first: 'Patrick', last: 'Rothfuss'}


###Creating a Model with a Collection###

var Group = tko.Model.extend({
    urlRoot: '/group',
    name: ko.observable(),
    members: People

var group = new Group({
    name: 'My Group',
    members: authors

