
loggable plugin for gorm v2

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Loggable plugin for gorm v2

How to use it?

go get github.com/bgruszka/gorm-loggable

then after db init:

db, err = gorm.Open(postgres.Open(databaseURL), &gorm.Config{
    Logger: logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Info),

register loggable plugin:


In order to track changes of your model you have to mark a model with loggable.LoggableModel.

type Order struct {

Next you have to specify which fields should be tracked in inserts and updates.

There are to options to use:

  • to track creates:

  • to track updates:


It's of course possible to track both:


More detailed example:

type Order struct {
    ID         uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
    UserID     uint `gorm:"not null" loggable:"create"`
    User       User
    State      OrderState      `gorm:"not null" loggable:"create,update"`
    TotalPrice decimal.Decimal `gorm:"not null" loggable:"create"`
    Items      []OrderItem
    CreatedAt  time.Time
    UpdatedAt  time.Time
    DeletedAt  *time.Time `sql:"index"`

All the logs will be stored in change_logs table using this model:

type ChangeLog struct {
    ID         uint      `gorm:"primaryKey"`
    CreatedAt  time.Time `gorm:"DEFAULT:current_timestamp"`
    Action     string    `gorm:"type:VARCHAR(10)"`
    ObjectID   string    `gorm:"index;type:VARCHAR(30)"`
    ObjectType string    `gorm:"index;type:VARCHAR(50)"`
    RawObject  string    `gorm:"type:JSON"`