A JSON API client for Ruby
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'munson'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install munson
class Article < Munson::Resource
# This is done automatically if the tableize method is present
self.type = :articles
# how to process the JSON API ID. JSON API always uses strings, but Munson defaults to :integer
key_type :integer, #:string, ->(id){ }
attribute :title, :string
Calling Article.type = :articles
registers the class Article
as the handler for JSON API resources of the type articles
When the ActiveSupport method tableize
is present, this will be set automatically. A class can be bound to multiple types:
Article.type = :articles
Munson.register_type(:posts, Article)
articles = Article.fetch # Get some articles
article = Article.find(9) # Find an article
query = Article.fields(:title).include(:author, :comments).sort(id: :desc).filter(published: true)
query.to_params #=> {:filter=>{:published=>"true"}, :fields=>{:articles=>"title"}, :include=>"author,comments", :sort=>"-id"}
query.to_query_string #=> "fields[articles]=title&filter[published]=true&include=author,comments&sort=-id"
query.fetch # Fetch articles w/ the given query string
The Munson::Resource delegates a few methods to its underlying Munson::Connection:
query = Product.filter(min_price: 30, max_price: 65)
# its chainable
query.filter(category: 'Hats').filter(size: ['small', 'medium'])
#=> {:filter=>{:min_price=>"30", :max_price=>"65", :category=>"Hats", :size=>"small,medium"}}
query.fetch #=> Munson::Collection<Product,Product>
query = Product.sort(created_at: :desc)
# its chainable
query.sort(:price) # defaults to ASC
#=> {:sort=>"-created_at,price"}
query.fetch #=> Munson::Collection<Product,Product>
query = Product.include(:manufacturer)
# its chainable
#=> {:include=>"manufacturer,vendor"}
query.fetch #=> Munson::Collection<Product,Product>
query = Product.fields(products: [:name, :price])
# its chainable
query.include(:manufacturer).fields(manufacturer: [:name])
#=> {:fields=>{:products=>"name,price", :manufacturer=>"name"}, :include=>"manufacturer"}
query.fetch #=> Munson::Collection<Product,Product>
query = Product.
filter(min_price: 30, max_price: 65).
sort(popularity: :desc, price: :asc).
fields(product: ['name', 'price'], manufacturer: ['name', 'website']).
page(number: 1, limit: 100)
#=> {:filter=>{:min_price=>"30", :max_price=>"65"}, :fields=>{:product=>"name,price", :manufacturer=>"name,website"}, :include=>"manufacturer", :sort=>"-popularity,price", :page=>{:limit=>10}}
query.fetch #=> Munson::Collection<Product,Product>
Product.find(1) #=> product
Every Munson::Resource has an internally managed client. It is accessible via .munson
Article.munson #=> Munson::Client
Article.munson.path #=> base path to use for this resource. Defaults to "/" + type; i.e., "/articles"
Article.munson.agent #=> Munson::Agent: the agent wraps the Munson::Connection. It performs the low level GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE methods
Article.munson.query #=> Munson::Query: a chainable query building instance
Article.munson.connection #=> Munson::Connection: Small wrapper around the Farady connection
Article.munson.connection.response_key_format #=> :dasherize, :camelize, nil
Article.munson.connection.url #=> This endpoints base URL http://api.example.com/
Article.munson.connection.faraday #=> The faraday object for this connection
Article.munson.connection = SomeNewConnectionYouPrefer
Article.munson.connection.configure(opts) do { |faraday_conn| } #=> Feel free to reconfigure me ;D
class Article < Munson::Resource
attribute :title, :string
attribute :body, :string
attribute :created_at, :time
Creating a new resource
article = Article.new
article.title = "This is a great read!"
article.save #=> Boolean: Will attempt to POST to /articles
article.errors #=> Array of errors
Updating a resource
article = Article.find(9)
article.title = "This is a great read!"
article.save #=> Boolean: Will attempt to PATCH to /articles
article.errors #=> Array of errors
Given the following relationship:
class Article < Munson::Resource
self.type = :articles
has_one :author
has_many :comments
key_type :integer
attribute :title, :string
class Person < Munson::Resource
self.type = :people
has_many :articles
attribute :first_name, String
attribute :last_name, :string
attribute :twitter, :string
attribute :created_at, :time, default: ->{ Time.now }, serialize: ->(val){ val.to_s }
attribute :post_count, :integer
class Comment < Munson::Resource
self.type = :comments
has_one :author
attribute :body, ->(val){ val.to_s }
attribute :score, :float
attribute :created_at, :time
attribute :is_spam, :boolean
attribute :mentions, :string, array: true
Note: When specifying relationships in Munson, you are specifying the JSON API type name. You'll notice below that when .author
is called it returns a person object. That it is because in the HTTP response, the relationship name is author
but the resource type is people
"data": [{
"type": "articles",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"title": "JSON API paints my bikeshed!"
"relationships": {
"author": {
"links": {
"self": "http://example.com/articles/1/relationships/author",
"related": "http://example.com/articles/1/author"
"data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }
Munson initializes objects for side loaded resources. Only 1 HTTP call is made.
article = Article.include(:author, :comments).find(9)
article.author #=> Person object
article.comments #=> Munson::Collection<Comment>
article.author.first_name #=> Chauncy
Munson is designed to support multiple connections or API endpoints. A connection is a wrapper around Faraday::Connection that includes a few pieces of middleware for parsing and encoding requests and responses to JSON API Spec.
Setting the default connection:
Munson.configure(url: 'http://api.example.com') do |c|
c.use MyCustomMiddleware
c.use AllTheMiddlewares
Each Munson::Resource has its own Munson::Client. The client copies the default connection so its easy to set general configuration options, and overwrite them on a resource by resource basis.
Munson.configure(url: 'http://api.example.com', response_key_format: :dasherize)
class Kitten < Munson::Resource
munson.url = "http://api.differentsite.com"
# Overwritten URL
Kitten.munson.connection.url #=> "http://api.differentsite.com"
# Copied key format
Kitten.munson.connection.response_key_format #=> :dasherize
Munson.default_connection.url #=> "http://api.example.com"
Munson.default_connection.response_key_format #=> :dasherize
Munson.configure(url: 'http://api.example.com', response_key_format: :dasherize) do |conn|
conn.use SomeCoolFaradayMiddleware
Two special options can be passed into .configure
the base url for this endpointresponse_key_format
the format of the JSONAPI response keys. Valid values are::dasherize
Additinally any Faraday Connection options can be passed. [Faraday::Connection options](https://github.com/lostisland/faraday/blob/master/lib/faraday/connection.rb Faraday::Connection)
Since the filter param's format isn't specified in the spec this implementation uses JSONAPI::Resource's implementation
To override, implement your own custom query builder inheriting from Munson::Query
takes a Query class to use. This method could be overwritten in your Resource:
class MyBuilder < Munson::Query
def filter_to_query_value
# ... your fancier logic
Article.munson.query_builder = MyBuilder
Article.munson.filter(:name => "Chauncy") #=> MyBuilder instance
If for some reason you cannot inherit from Munson::Resource, you can still get a lot of JSONAPI parsing functionality
class Album
# Just some attr accessors, NBD
attr_accessor :id
attr_accessor :title
# Give Album a client to use
def self.munson
return @munson if @munson
@munson = Munson::Client.new
# Set the type, note, this is not being set on self
munson.type = :albums
# Register the type w/ munson
Munson.register_type(munson.type, self)
# When you aren't inherited from Munson::Resource, Munson will pass a Munson::Document to a static method called munson_initializer for you to initialze your record as you wish
def self.munson_initializer(document)
new(document.id, document.attributes[:title])
def initialize(id, title)
@id = id
@title = title
albums = Album.munson.include(:songs).fetch
albums.first.title #=> An album title!
As long as a class is registered with munson and it response to munson_initializer, Munson will be able to initialize the object with or without a client
Extending the example above...
class Song
attr_reader :name
def self.munson_initializer(document)
def initialize(name)
@name = name
Munson.register_type :songs, Song
album = Album.munson.include(:songs).find(9)
album.songs #=> Munson::Collection<Song>
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/coryodaniel/munson. Base hotfixes off of the master
branch and features off of the develop
- Update Yard docs :D
- Posting/Putting relationships
- A few pending tests :/
- Collection#next (queries for next page, if pagination present)
- Related Documents/Resources taking advantage of underlying resource[links]
- Error object to wrap an individual error
- consider enumerable protocol on a query
- Handle null/empty responses...
- Pluggable pagination?
- Query#find([...]) find multiple records