
Example of an ecommerce site with DSE

Ecommerce DSE Example

Definition keyspace for DSE

You can find cassandra keyspace definition in data/cql/aurabute_schema.cql. Run it using cqlsh.

Install Fakeit


Generate fake data

For model generation use this command line:

# to generate json
fakeit folder 'aurabute_e_commerce' --count 10000 'data/models/' --verbose

It will create a folder named aurabute with generated json objects or csv inside.

Run and feed DSE

Docker and docker-compose are required to run the cluster.

Run the cluster

In docker-compose folder run this commands:

# In docker-compose folder run this command to download images and start containers 
# change node=2 if more nodes needed
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.opscenter.yml up -d --scale node=2

Then you will be able to retrieve seed node ip:

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' docker-compose_seed_node_1

Run schema definition

Use this ip to load cql script to generate e-commerce schema:

cqlsh node_ip -f ../data/cql/aurabute_schema.cql

Inject data

And finaly you will inject you generated data into DSE using dsbulk tool:

dsbulk load -url 'aurabute_e_commerce/' -k aurabute -t user -h 'node_ip' -c json --connector.json.fileNamePattern "**user*"
dsbulk load -url 'aurabute_e_commerce/' -k aurabute -t product -h 'node_ip' -c json --connector.json.fileNamePattern "**product*"
dsbulk load -url 'aurabute_e_commerce/' -k aurabute -t order -h 'node_ip' -c json --connector.json.fileNamePattern "**order*"