
Daily updated list of Http proxy servers (provided as json-file)

Primary LanguagePython

Daily updated list of proxy servers

The script collects addresses of proxy servers from publicly available resources. Then it tries to connect (asynchronously) through each proxy server to the following websites: google.com, yahoo.com, ya.ru. It collects HTTP response statuses, total time of web-page downloading (throug proxy) and error messages (if error is raised). All this information is stored in proxy.json file.

Structure of proxy.json file

     'proxies': [<item1>, <item2>, ..., <itemN>]
     'date': <date of creation, utc>

Each item<n> has the following structure (example):

    "ip": xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,
    "port": xxxx,
    "google_error" : "no",
    "yahoo_error"  : "no",
    "yandex_error" : "unknown error",
    "google_total_time" : 2900,
    "yahoo_total_time" : 1900,
    "yandex_total_time" : None,
    "google_status" : 200,
    "yahoo_status"  : 200,
    "yandex_status" : 503,
  • *_total_time values are given in milliseconds; each value representes total time (including connection) required to download html-content (through proxy) from either 'google.com', 'yahoo.com' or 'ya.ru'.
  • *_error are attributes which represent the error messages raised during connecting to the website through proxy;
  • *_status are HTTP status codes;
  • ip proxy server's IP address;
  • port proxy server's port;

How to use it

The list of proxy servers is available as json-file through the link:


import json
from urllib.request import urlopen

json_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scidam/proxy-list/master/proxy.json"

with urlopen("json_url") as url:
    json_proxies = json.loads(url.read().decode('utf-8'))

# use json_proxies
print("The total number of proxies: ", len(json_proxies['proxies']))