
Program to find Top N common words from Web Content.

Primary LanguagePython

Find Top N Word Frequency

Program to fetch a Wikipedia page and report the top n words on that page.

The user inputs to the program are page_id and n (number of top frequent words to print).

The fixed URL to fetch a page from Wikipedia is https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&pageids=<PAGE ID>&explaintext&format=json

Python Requirements

The program is built and tested on Python2.7 & Python3.7. This program uses the requests library for URL calls. The library can be installed by executing following command from program root directory as

pip install -i requirements.txt

Python Unit Test

To Execute the python unit test, execute following command in program root directory.

python word_frequency_test.py

Program Execution Example

> python word_frequency.py
# Please Enter Wiki Page Id to fetch content from (accepts digits only): 21721040
# Please Enter how many top Frequent words to print (accepts digits only): 5

URL being called: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&pageids=21721040&explaintext&format=json

Title : Stack Overflow
Top 5 Words:
 - 20 Stack, questions
 - 17 Overflow
 - 12 users
 - 11 site, that
 - 10 question