
Python parser and formatter for connection strings

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Tool to handle connection strings. Offers an easy API that parses and constructs connection strings in the form of Key=Value;, as easy as handling a dictionary. Works with both Python 2.7 and 3.x


MIT. See License File.


pyconstring is on PyPI

pip install pyconstring


easy_install pyconstring

Usage examples

Constructing a connection string from scratch:

>>> from pyconstring import ConnectionString
>>> cs = ConnectionString()
>>> cs['user'] = 'manuel'
>>> cs['password'] = '1234'
>>> print cs.get_string()

Parsing an already existing string:

>>> cs = ConnectionString.from_string('key1=value1;key2=value2;')
>>> cs['key1'] = 'another value'
>>> cs.get_string()
u'Key1=another value;Key2=value2;'
>>> cs['user'] = 'johnny'
>>> print cs.get_string()
Key1=another value;Key2=value2;User=johnny;

Automated escaping when necessary:

>>> cs = ConnectionString()
>>> cs['weird=key'] = '" weird;value  '
>>> print cs.get_string()
Weird==Key='" weird;value  ';

Key translation:

>>> cs['key'] = 'value'
>>> cs.translate({'key': 'clave'})
>>> print cs.get_string()

More information in the documentation.

If you find any bug or have any suggestion, feel free to send me an email or open an issue on github.