
Generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line.

Primary LanguageRuby

FontCustom v1.0.0

Generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line.

Full documentation
Feedback and issues


# Requires FontForge
brew install fontforge eot-utils ttfautohint
gem install fontcustom

Quick Start

fontcustom compile path/to/vectors                  # Compiles into `fontcustom`
fontcustom compile path/to/vectors -o assets/fonts  # Compiles into `assets/fonts`
fontcustom watch path/to/vectors -t=scss preview    # Compiles when vectors are changed/added/deleted
                                                    # and includes a scss partial and glyph preview

fontcustom help                                     # to see all options


To avoid finger-fatigue, include a fontcustom.yml configuration file with your vectors:

fontcustom config path/to/vectors       # Creates annotated config file
vim path/to/vectors/fontcustom.yml      # Edit your fontcustom options

Contributor Guidelines

Brought to you by @endtwist and @ezYZ