
Simple :computer: Domain Specific Language - CLI Build :book:

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT


🐾 Started to creating 📚 Domain Specific Language ✨ Stay tuned :octocat:


Gradle Groovy Java


Domain specific language is really helpful to understand the code and reduces the time taken to modify. Normal java code really needs more code lines and makes this the code complex to understand. Implementing the JAVA code as DSL with groovy really helps a lot.

This dsl repo is a simple template to taste the dsl features, It can be implemented over JAVA CLI with enhanced features.

Getting Started:

Gradle is used to build this repo. To build use command,

gradle cD

After the successful build, you can find the dsl inside the build directory. Use the run.groovy inside the build/dsl/bin to run your DSL scripts.

To Run :

cd build/dsl/bin
groovy run myscript.groovy

Example : myscript.groovy

import io.github.bhanuchander210.filestudy.EmailDSL
    sethost 'smtp.gmail.com'
    login 'bhanuchander210@gmail.com','*******'
        to 'example@gmail.com'
        cc 'any@gmail.com'
        bcc 'any@gmail.com'
        subject 'DSL-EMAIL UTIL'
                    ....content ..
        attach 'dsl.groovy'


Find more examples on the directory dsl/examples.

Release Notes:

Version 1.1

  • jsonstudy

    • Parsing json file
    • Printing json tree
    • Node selectable 2D Conversion
    • Node selectable Iteration
  • excelstudy

    • Column selection
    • 2D Conversion
    • sheet list

Version 1.0

  • filestudy
    • Make pattern - Converting from uneven file to even file by making pattern.
    • Normal filtering.
    • Picking up words by index and occurrence.
  • email
    • Sending mail from code.
    • Attaching files and body format (text,html).