
Loosely following tutorial located here: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/discord-ai-chatbot/

  1. Run clean_data.py to create the csv if it is not already there.
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python create_dialog_model.py or python create_dialog_model_nv.py if you have an Nvidia GPU with CUDA installed.
  4. python test_bot.py

Once the dialog model is complete, create a HuggingFace repository and push the file contents there.

  1. cd ouput-<size>
  2. pip install huggindface_hub
  3. huggingface-cli login
  4. huggindface-cli repo create <name of repo>
  5. git lfs install
  6. git remote add origin <link to huggindface repo>
  7. git lfs migrate import --include="*.bin" --everything
  8. git add . & git commit "message"
  9. git push origin main