Speed and Proximity Detection System is a coming of age idea that can help change the way the current road security and law enforcement operate. The main bjective behind this project is to make Indian roads safer and disciplined, by monitoring the speeds at which each vehicle is travelling. This project encompasses the use of speed detection to notify drivers of any speeding violations. A proximity unit is also used to alert the driver incase he is driving too close to any vehicle, can also be used while parking.
SPD includes two main use cases:
Speed Detection using ADXL 335 Accelerometer mounted on Arduino and its wireless transmission using Raspberry Pi to a database. The application detects overspeeding and abnormalities in driving. and send alerts to the driver via text and email.
Proximity Detection using HC SR04 Proximity Sensor mounted on Arduino.
To run the User Application run the following commands to install the required:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install flask
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
pip install flask-mysqldb
pip install Flask-WTF
pip install passlib
Run the Admin Dashboard
cd SPD_Web_Application/admin
python app.py
Run the User Page
cd SPD_Web_Application/user
python app.py
To run the sensors code, install Arduino IDE and run the files in SPD_Arduino_Code after connecting the sensors to the Arduino
Import the databse files in /Database/SQL_Database_Files directly using SQL Workbench OR Install MySQL and run all the queries listed in /Database/queries.txt