# Instructions

This webapp requires API/authentication keys for Twilio and ngrok to run correctly, as well as a verification service to be set up on the corresponding Twilio account. [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) must also be installed.

File configuration requirements:

- `ngrok.exe` should be in the `HackAlpha` directory.
- `.env` should be in the `HackAlpha` directory, and contain the variables VERIFY_SERVICE_SID, TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, and TWILIO_NUMBER.

Twilio requirements:

- A Verify Service should be set up on the Twilio account with access to SMS verification, and VERIFY_SERVICE_SID should use the SID for this service.
- The Twilio phone number should be specified in the `.env` file.
- The Messaging POST webhook for the Twilio phone number should be set to the webhook created by ngrok after `start.sh` is run.

ngrok requirements:

- ngrok must be authenticated, as described [here](https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/your-authtoken).

Run `source start.sh` to start the application if all keys and tokens are in the correct places.