1. Node health check

2. Running processes check

3. AWS resources check

4. Git-Organization users check

5. Deploy Application on AWS


1.a Write a shell script to check health of node.

vi healthCheck.sh
chmod 777 healthCheck.sh

Script for 1a


# Function to check CPU usage
check_cpu() {
    cpu_usage=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | sed "s/.*, *\([0-9.]*\)%* id.*/\1/" | awk '{print 100 - $1}')
    echo "CPU Usage: $cpu_usage%"

# Function to check memory usage
check_memory() {
    memory_usage=$(free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "Memory Usage: %.2f%%", $3*100/$2 }')
    echo "$memory_usage"

# Function to check disk usage
check_disk() {
    disk_usage=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2{printf "Disk Usage: %s", $5}')
    echo "$disk_usage"

# Main function to call other health check functions
main() {
    echo "Checking Node Health..."

# Call the main function

1.b Write a shell script to check running processes on linux.

vi CheckRunningProcess.sh
chmod 777 CheckRunningProcess.sh

Script for 1b


# Get list of running processes
process_list=$(ps aux)

# Print header
echo "PID   USER       %CPU   %MEM   COMMAND"

# Iterate through each line of process list
while read -r line; do
    # Skip the header line
    if [[ $line == USER* ]]; then

    # Extract PID, USER, %CPU, %MEM, and COMMAND
    pid=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}')
    user=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')
    cpu=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}')
    mem=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $4}')
    command=$(echo "$line" | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=""; print $0}')

    # Print process information
    printf "%-6s %-9s %-6s %-6s %s\n" "$pid" "$user" "$cpu" "$mem" "$command"
done <<< "$process_list"


3.a Upload your project file on github using git commands.

  git init
  git add .
  git commit -m "first commit"
  git branch -M main
  git remote add origin https://github.com/bhalerao-2002/he-p.git
  git push -u origin main

#3.b Upload your project file on github using git commands.

git init

make changes in files

git add .
git commit -m "Add AWS usage report script"

Switch Branches (Optional):

git checkout main

Merge Changes: Once you're done with the changes in the aws_usage_report branch and you want to incorporate them into the main branch, you need to merge the branches:

git merge aws_usage_report

Delete branch:

git branch -d aws_usage_report

Push branch:

git push origin main