
My first OOP blog

Primary LanguagePHP


Welcome on board!

This is my first OOP blog, the 5th project of my OpenClassRooms cursus.

According to project's instructions, this blog is collaborative: anyone can add/update/delete a blogpost, a tag, add and validate or reject a comment. There is no admin authentication.


This website uses some libraries:

  • Twig
  • PHPMailer
  • CKEditor

All those libraries are included by Composer (if not already installed on your machine https://getcomposer.org/download/).

This website also uses some "front" libraries:

  • Gulp
  • Sass

All those libraries are included by NPM (if not already installed on your machine https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm).

How to install?

  1. Clone this repository on your local machine.
  2. Import config/blog.sql to create your database (MySQL currently used).
  3. In project folder open a new terminal window and execute command line composer install.
  4. (You may skip this step if you don't want to use NPM dependencies to edit CSS) Execute command line npm install to install all front dependencies.
  5. Edit config/ini.php with:
    • your database login
    • your base_url (root)
    • your picture_repository, where you want to store blogposts' uploaded pictures
    • the allowed_extensions you want to allow
    • your mail datas (SMTP, mail to)
    • enable/disable debug mode (will catch Exceptions or user feedback)
  6. Your website is ready to be used and customized :)

Have fun!