Discord bot to track and roll your dice.
Add to your server with: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=373488008168734720&scope=bot&permissions=0
- Die rolling
- You've got to be good at something, right?
- Die modifiers
- Bonuses to rolls or per die.
- Fancy die rolling
- Fancy rolls like pass/fail or repeated rolls (i.e.: character creation).
- Characters
- Collections of stats and values.
- Character import/export
- A way to store your character data externally.
- Game engine
- Skills and other things to do with said stats and values.
- Games
- Groups of Characters used in a game with an engine, run by a chosen Dungeon Master/Game Master/Keeper/Loremaster/Narrator/Guide/Storyteller/Moderator, possibly even multiple if that's something you're in to.
- Fancier die rolling
- Rolling fractional or imaginary dice, rolling with emoji, possibly even [REDACTED]