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Webcam Face Detection with OpenCV and Google Colab

This project demonstrates real-time face detection using a webcam in Google Colab. We utilize OpenCV's Haar Cascade classifier to detect faces in both images and video streams captured from your computer's webcam.

Table of Contents


This project relies on the following dependencies:

  • OpenCV: For image and video processing.
  • Numpy: For numerical operations.
  • PIL (Pillow): For image processing.
  • Javascript: To create the live video stream using the webcam.
  • Google Colab: For running the code in a Colab environment.

You can easily install these dependencies in your Colab notebook or local Python environment.

How to Use

To use this code for webcam face detection, follow these steps:

  1. Import the required dependencies as mentioned in the code.
  2. Run the code cells one by one in your Colab notebook.

Webcam Images

  • The code provides a function to capture images from your webcam.
  • It captures an image and performs face detection using the Haar Cascade classifier.
  • Detected faces are highlighted with bounding boxes.
  • You can adjust the image quality and the filename for saving the captured image.

Webcam Videos

  • The code also supports real-time video streaming from your webcam.
  • It overlays bounding boxes on detected faces in the video stream.
  • The video stream is displayed in your Colab environment.