
Remote Screen Sharing Application

Primary LanguageC++

This application is a Remote Screen Sharing Application and this README is intented to help you compile and run it.

It contains three modules namely AccessorApp, SnapServer, SnapTool.

SnapServer and SnapTool are supposed to be placed in same folder on the computer to be accessed.
AccessorApp is to be compiled and run on the computer accessing.

Download the appropriate file and compile it and have fun.
You will need qt to be installed on your computer. Refer to the guide for installing and running the application.

Get in every directory and fire these commands
qmake project
make clean

An executable having the same name as that of the folder it is in shall be created.
Run the executables AccessorApp and SnapServer on two computers conected to each other over a network.
The GUI is intutive and wont be difficult to handle at this stage, although a proper readme with content on using the application shall be uploaded soon.

Development is on and a good feature heavy application will be available soon.

Happy ReSShapp-ing.

Anuvrat Parashar