API Automation Template

Kindly Naviagate to src/main/resources/testsettings.properties file to Edit Dynamic Test Data.

Generate API Token https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens.

TestData Required to be feeded:

  • token
  • newChannelName
  • renameChannelTo
  • archiveChannelID(E.g. CPN1ZMCEB) - Channel ID could be obtained from URL after clicking on channel.

Slack Workspace used for testing is: http://testplivoapi.slack.com

For successful execution please follow below steps:

  1. Create a new slack workspace.
  2. Assuming you are logged in as an admin - Generate an legacy API token with link provided above for the same workspace.
  3. Feed the token and dynamic data as per requirements.
  4. Trigger testng.xml file in root folder.