
Problem Set


Word Search


  • Initially, find the letter on the board which corresponds to the given 1st letter of the word.
  • From this letter, explore in the 4 different directions and try to find the remaining letters of the word recursively.
  • If you reach the end of the word, return True...you have found a match
  • If you have tried exploring all directions and cannot find the matching word, return False.
  • If no letter starting with the first letter of the word yields a match, return False finally.

Letter Case Permutation


  • Start with an empty string
  • Next, start adding characters one by one recursively to this string.
  • If the character is not an alphabet, just add it to the string, else branch out into normal case and swapped version
  • Finally, if a permutation equal in length to the original string is found, add it to the result



  • Start with an empty subset
  • Branch into two permutations - one with the element at the current index, and the other without.
  • Return if the current index exceeds the limit of the given list after adding the subset to the result

Subsets 2


  • Start with empty subset
  • The idea is to branch into two permutations - one with the element at the current index and the other without, but in the latter, children cannot include the element at the current index.
  • In order to achieve this, we sort he initial list and then loop till a new element is found and carry out expansion of the second branch, recursively.
  • When starting index passes the length of the given list, add the combination to the result.



  • Start with empty combination
  • Maintain a list called rest. Rest contains all elements other than the current element.
  • Add the current element into the combination and recursively try to find the permutations for the rest of the of the elements.
  • Stop when the rest list is empty and add the combination to the result.

Permutations 2


  • Start with empty combination
  • Sort the given list, to eliminate duplicates.
  • Follow the same procedure as permutation 1, except that carry out backtracking only for distinct elements.
  • This is done by checking if an element is equal to its predecessor.



  • Start with empty combination
  • Add each possible element (every element to the right of the current) to the combination and backtrack recursively
  • Terminate when the length of the combination is equal to k.
  • Add the combination to the list before termination

Combination Sum


  • Start with empty combination
  • Branch into a two way decision tree - one with the element at the current index and the other without.
  • Add up the numbers and compare with target; if equal, add to result, if greater or end of candidates is reached, return.

Combination Sum 2


  • Start with empty combination
  • Sort the list since duplicate combinations are not allowed
  • Branch into a two way decision tree - one with the current element and the other without (for the without part, keep moving forward until you find the next element)
  • Add the combination to the result when the total is reached.
  • Return when the total exceeds the target or the current position crosses the size of candidates.

Combination Sum 3


  • Start with empty combination
  • Branch into two branches - one with the current and element and the other without the current element.
  • If a combination has size k and adds up to the given number, add it to the result
  • If the size of the combination exceeds k or the sum is greater than the target, terminate

Generate parantheses


  • Start with empty combination
  • Branch into two - one with "(" and the other with ")"
  • Assign scores for addition - +1 for "(" and -1 for ")". Your scores should always be within the range 0 <= score <= n
  • Add combination to result and terminate if score is out of the boundaries of the given range.

Palindrome partition


  • Start with empty combination
  • Loop through each index in the string and partition the string.
  • If the left portion is a palindrome, add it to the combination and bactrack for the right portion.
  • Add the combination to the result if the index has reached the end of the string.

Phone number


  • Create a dictionary matching the the numbers to their corresponding strings
  • The variable start loops through the given digits string.
  • Create n branches, where n is the number of letters associated with the number at start.
  • Add each value to the combination, and backtrack.
  • Add the combination to the result when the length of digits is reached.

Sudoku solver


  • Create a check valid function to return true if a number is valid in a certain position and return false otherwise based on standard sudoku rules.
  • Try to find the solution after placing a value at a certain position. If not possible, backtrack....

N Queens


  • We store only the column numbers of the positions where the Queen is placed.
  • To check for diagonals, always one diagonal will have constant r+c value and the other will have constant r-c value.
  • Maintain two sets which keep track of these invalid diagonals.
  • Backtrack by placing queen in certain row, note down the column, diagonal values. Move on to the next row.
  • Convert the list data into string data and add to result.